The Goal
A six month supply of vitamins for six villages. There are approximately 250 children per village. 30 vitamins per bottle x 6 months = 180 vitamins per child. 6 bottles x 250 children = 1,500 bottles.
6 x 1,500 = 9,000 bottles of vitamins needed.
The Mission for Troop 120
- We have already received permission from Superintendent of schools of North Arlington, Dr. Oliver Stringham, to request donations of vitamins from the students and staff of the five local schools.
- Monsignor Fadrowski of Queen of Peace church has agreed to assist in announcing the collection of vitamins at a Sunday mass to be collected starting February 11th.
- We have composed letters asking for donations from local businesses or to place a collection basket at their locations.
- Letters have also be sent to pharmaceutical companies requesting donations of their brand of children’s chewable vitamins.
- There will also be articles in the local papers informing the communities about the project and where donations will be collected.
- The troop will be directed in the making of the collection baskets and help in monitoring the donations. This is important as not to inconvenience any of the schools, churches or businesses with the details of this project and the collection process.
Troop 120's Goal is to collect these vitamins for the children.
Troop 120 and the Henry B. King Medical Brigade Thank You.